Wakefield: It ain't just a town, it's a state of mind
From an ERA of 1.79 to 2.41 in one night. That hurts as much as Mr. Drew smacking up against the outfield wall. Seriously though, knowing what he knows about his body ( that it's basically made up out of Jenga pieces) why would he risk that play with the low wall behind him?He's lucky he didn't split his tired old spine in two! Youkilis, when asked his first reaction to Drew hitting the wall responded, "Ouch". Genius.
I'm not going to get all technical on this one. That ERA stat is probably the only one I'll throw out there today because it's Wednesday and I'm tired and I still have half a week left until I can focus solely on baseball. Verlander pitched like Leyland threatened castration if he didn't throw fire on every pitch. From what I've seen of Leyland the possibility of that exact threat is pretty good. Verlander was rookie of the year last year, and it seems he has steered clear of the Sophomore slump so far. He's 4-1 on the year and has kept his ERA under 3.00. OK, so I lied about staying away from the stats. Verlander kept the Sox guessing all night. He pitched a great game and there really isn't more to say about it than that. He had 122 pitches and threw 79 for strikes. Not too shabby. So I'll move on to trivial thoughts I had during last nights game.
Big Papi has 16 doubles so far this season. Get! Out! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing Papi go yard more than anyone. Hell, I have a Jordanesque silhouette shirt of Papi in home run stance- but there is almost nothing more satisfying than seeing your DH eek out a double. Except maybe when he steals a base. That's even more rare and more entertaining.
It was truly nice to see that Wake got a standing O even when getting the loss for the game. He is a consummate professional that has given Boston many great years of baseball. Although I enjoy watching power pitchers "K" there way through games, Wakefield always provides more insight into the slower more methodical side of baseball. Good for those hungover Sundays when you just couldn't possibly jump up and scream at every Beckett strike out.
Brandon Merriweather, the Pats first round draft pick, was at the game last night. He looked just thrilled to be there. Those seats probably cost more than my grocery bill for the month and he's on his PDA the whole time I think. Hopefully he was memorizing the play book. Listen up Brandon, that's the only excuse for not enjoying a Sox game that I'll accept. Study up, son! See you in August.

Lastly I'll leave you with this lovely Ape Drape from Magglio Ordonez. You rock that mullet baby!
Two down and two more to go with the Rock City Tigers. On the mound tonight we have Julian "Batshit Insane Soon to Be Replaced With the Comeback Kid of the Century" Tavarez who is 1-4 on the season with a 6.60 ERA. Dios mio, Julian. Lester, please hurry!!!
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