And Manny More......
We're not going to take this lying down folks. Oh no Jeter, you put that broom back where you had it stuck before. No sweep for you this week! We are not going to let the Spankees take the series either. Not on Schilling's watch. No siree! Coming off two less than stellar starts, Curt is pissed. Real pissed. And you don't get a man of God and Dungeons and Dragons pissed. The Yankmees are desperate, real desperate. What does the equation add up to? Melee folks. I just feel one upon us. A good old fash
ion bench clearing, glove in the face, kick 'em in the nuts brawl. Jeter got hit by a pitch in the first game and pushed back at the plate hard in the second. A-fraud got a little over zealous with his slide ito second and almost cut itty bitty Pedroia off at the knees. If Schilling looks sharp tonight I think they will wait until a middle reliever comes in and then BAM! Right in the kisser. Not that I advocate dinging a batter. But sometimes folks, that is how the game must be played.
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