This is the first of many installments called: What Would Cape Cod Ed Do? Cape Cod Ed is my Pops and a life long Sox watcher. Notice I did not say fan- it's a love/hate relationship between them. Birthday dinners, holidays and anniversaries have been delayed because games went into extra innings. Doors have been slammed, curses have been muttered and sleepless nights have occurred during a last ditch effort at a run for the post season. All done in the name of fandom.
He claims he has mellowed in his latter years, but I still hear the hellfire and brimstone in his voice when we drop two to Texas-- at home. Now, my Mother is a life long Sox fan as well; having told the nuns at school that she wanted to be Ted Williams when she grew up. However, she is not an ardent Sox enthusiast. She can probably name the starting lineup (in order) but she can't tell you their BA or slugging percentage. She can name the starting rotation but won't be able to tell you their ERA or WHIPS. Cape Cod Ed can- with authority. He can also tell you what Uncle Tito is thinking, and what his next move should be. These are qualities us Boston fans akin to a true Sox enthusiast. You might know that Papi hasn't had a walk off homer since July 30, 2006 but you should also know he can't lay off a sweet change up lately and it's been KILLING HIM!
Ok back to the post at hand; WWCCED? Cape Cod Ed and I had a short discussion yesterday mid game. It went a little something like this:
Gillibeann: They suck. I know they are in first place but it's just because other teams suck more than they do.
CCE: He needs to bench them all.
Gillibeann: Excuse me?
CCE: They all need to sit. They will lose, but it's worth it.
Gillibeann: Again, what? Explain.
CCE: Tito needs to bench the regula line up. These boys are tired. They have lost their oomph. They have no pep! Make them sit and play those who haven't gotten a chance to play. We'll lose but oh well. Papi looks lost. Manny is calling it in. Lugo has found new ways to f*ck up I didn't think were possible. Bench them all. Make them sit. We'll lose- but it's ok.
Gillibeann: Yah...I don't think that's going to happen.
CCE has piqued my interest. Seriously- imagine tuning into the game tonight and seeing a line up of bench warmers? At least it would be more exciting to watch. I was more interes
ted in watching Jacoby Ellsbury (and not just because he's the cutest thing to don a Sox uni since Tek in his early years) than watching Papi. Seeing the players out there who have something to prove makes it more exciting. Cora had two sick flashes of the leather yesterday. Fancy footwork included. Even though Youk is a staple in the line up he still makes every at bat like it was his last in life. He strikes out and I swear he's going to crap thunder and crush skulls. Manny flies out and gives a shrug- "Aye...no hay de que". Yes Manny! It does matter! What good is being in first place (waaaay in first place) when you seem to call it in every day. 11 men left on base! 9 the night before. That's just sad.

So I agree with CCE on this one. Bench em! Take a seat for a while boys. We'll see you after the All Star break. Hopefully. Lugo- it ain't looking too good buddy. And that attempt to steal third might have sealed your fate for a few weeks.
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