Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

I've been slacking. Last week was a busy one and this week will be even worse. I apologize to the three people who read this blog- I'll try harder. Thanks to the dude up there for making that sign- it sums up all I wanted to say.
OK weekend wrap up. Oh, wait. First I should, I guess, say something about Schill's outing last week. He blew his no-no because a Bucco's fan was watching. It's true. His years and years of bad karma seeped out of his body, traveled through the television and up to Fenway. The "We are Family" curse traveled 500 miles from Ballston to the Fens and smacked right into Curt's fat head. That's the instant when Curt shook off Tek's sign and threw that pitch that hung right over the plate for a solid second too long. And folks, that was the end of that no-no. Never shake off Captain Awesome. Shit son, everyone knows that.
Another weekend of pointless inter league play. Friday I loafed around the house and had a baseball extravaganza! I watched the O's on TV (muted because I've never heard worse announcers in my life!), brought me the Sox from Arizona and gameday gave me a play by play of the Yankmee's spanking the Buccos. (That's what you get ND! Karma is a biatch) Friday's game can be summed up in the following sentence, "I repeat, Beckett you friggen stud you!" 8 IP, 8 SO. In speaking to Pops yesterday regarding Beckett, we both agree he learned a lot last year. He pitched more innings last year than any previous year but he pitched with sheer might. This year he's using the ole noggin a bit more. We are seeing a more mature and refined Beckett. He'll still bean your ass if you crowd the plate but at least now he has the restraint not to laugh while doing it. Friday night- 10-3 Sox.
Saturday was a glorious day in DC. Wooderson and I spent the day hiking at Great Falls- enjoying nature and all its glory. Even after a night of Jim Beam, Wooderson's internal compass still guided us safely through the woods. The plus side to West Coast series is that the games don't inhibit me from actually being productive on a Saturday afternoon. Out in Georgetown that night we wandered over to The Rhino to catch the second half of the game. We were down 0-3 when I arrived. I was being taunted by Long Legs that we were toast and I might as well give up right then and there. Listen Long legs, your allegiance for the Yankmees is disturbing enough but don't ever count the Sox down and out. Ever. One swing of the bat from Captain Awesome and it was a 3-2 ball game. Tek had the two run homer and three RBI's. Lowell had a sac-fly in the 10th to bring home the go ahead run. How ya like them apples, Long Legs? Papelbon looked shaky but came away with save number 14. Something is up with him lately. Perhaps they are trying to finesse and tweak some stuff- whatever it is they better hurry up and get it right. Final score Sox 4-3.
Dice-K on the mound for Sunday's matinee. Struck out 9 in 6 innings. Not too shabby. It was scary to see Dice-K in the batters box against The Big Unit. Can I just sidestep here and say
that he has to be the ugliest man in baseball. He looks like he got hit in the face with a bag of hot nickles. If you can find a scarier player, throw a link in the comments section. The disturbing intrigues me. Anyway, Dice-K said that The Big Unit's slider was unhittable. I concur.

Where were the bats yesterday? Lowell has another RBI to raise the team's number to 47. That's a league leader folks. It's hit or miss how things seem to come together behind some pitchers and not others. Dice-K pitched a good game but we seemed to struggle. It's like Wakefield and his historical lack of run support. A great call by the ump by calling interference with Coco and advancing him to second base. Great base running by Coco too. You got caught up in a rundown but turned it around to your advantage. Bravo Coco Cavelli. Final- D-back 5-1.
Like we needed further proof that Tavarez is crazy but we got it. He has been apparently throwing with a blister on his middle finger and this is what he had to say about it to the other day: "[Josh ] Beckett would be on the DL with this," Tavarez said, showing the blister. Tavarez said he pops the blister and dries it out by rubbing in some Red Bull and ground-up aspirin." Holy Mary Mother of Gawd the dude is whacked. He might get the Dirt Dog of the Year award for that.
I believe I'm flying solo for a while in the blogosphere. El Guapo is getting hitched in a couple of weeks and his life has become understandably busy. We'll let him slide for now but I expect to see him in full "Mid season demented blind optimism mixed with micro brew and impending doom" antics after the honeymoon. If anyone wishes to co-pilot shoot me an email. We'd love to welcome you aboard.
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