Longest. Game. Ever. I started watching at work. Left and went running- got all the way home and the game was still on. At least the weather in Seattle was not scortchingly hot. If they had to play that game in Fenway they would have been wheeling people out on stretchers hooked up to IV's of Natty Light. It's hot in D.C. The walk from the Metro to the office in the morning is pure unadulterated Hell. There is no respite from the blinding sun. Not to mention I walk by 100 cars parked, idling cars filled with people waiting for the courts to open. Oh, and there is a ginormous construction site with pounding jack hammers and archaic machines kicking up all sorts of toxic dust. Did I mention it's also hot as hell out there? I should get hazard pay.
The long ball was not happening yesterday. There were a bunch of warning track long fly balls. It was nice to see some strategy in the 7th when they laid down a nice bunt that on a bad throw to first advanced the runner to third. They parlayed that into a RBI. Nice work. Look at Dice-K takin' the game all the way into the 8th. Dice-K had 3 hits, 1 run and 8 strike outs. He has officially caught the Wakefield disease. Step away from Timmehy, Dice-K. You can catch no run support if you get too close. It would have been over had Lugo not struck out. Get the count to 3-0 and still strike out? That sucks. Take a seat son, your ass needs to ride the wood for a while. And Manny, Manny Manny...where you out on fly ball catching day?
Pinero bread, Pinero bread...oh how I dislike thee. And, that's all I have to say about that.
Moving on- I've heard from three separate people that they believe Schilling will be back at the end of the season for a performance Royal of epic ass kickin and soul crushing proportions. I would love to see it but I'm not sure it will happen. I'll say I have my doubts. I'll gladly raise my hand and say "I AM a doubting Thomas." Then I'll be doubly giddy when I'm proven wrong.